Bobblemaze is a number-based logic puzzle. The objective is to determine an orthogonal string of all unique positive numbers – the bobble – in a matrix that varies in shape – the maze. The bobble consists of adjacent numbers (in vertical or horizontal positions only) starting with the number 1 and terminating with the maximum valued number within the maze. The number zero is never a part of the bobble.
See example How to solve to learn more.
Try the 7 × 7 initial collection or original beginner set to get started.
Download PDF – Print – Enjoy:
PDF former uses great TCPDF project.
Bobblemaze for mobile phones have been released as a competitor of HTC Android competition and is freely available for download from here. Many thanks to Peter Cvitkovič!
2011-04-21 – package 1.2 with evaluating complexity level released
Bobblemaze generator is just a simple script written in Octave and available as an open source project (GNU GPL licenced) for download.
To get a fancy PDF upload (and share) your generated result using form field above. See README in the downloaded package for more instructions.Bobblemaze generator was hosted on BerliOS.